
Research and design of the use of learning technology

Digital and Creative Learning Lab works with research and development of the use of learning technology. Charlotte Lærke Weitze, owner of Digital and Creative Learning Lab, is a trained researcher and has a PhD in technology and learning design.

You are welcome to contact Digital and Creative Learning Lab if you need research or consultancy in the field of working with the use of technology in teaching and learning processes.

Charlotte has been researching technology and learning design for 10 years. It is possible to download articles as well as PhD thesis on research gate.

Article Summary available here.

Case examples on research projects

PhD research project for VUC Storstrøm

Research project about building information modeling software (BIM)

Engineers’ use of the 3D construction software Revit

Qualitative research project. Evaluation on the company Alectia’s use of the 3D engineering construction software Revit. In this research project the knowledge sharing processes involving use of Revit were mapped. The findings were that a successful implementation of a construction model such as Revit is largely dependent on the employees learning to use the model, and that the knowledge created about the use is developed into effective procedures and standards and disseminated in the company.

Research projects about games for learning

The students as learning game designers

Qualitative research project in collaboration with Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen and VUC Storstrøm, that investigated: How can student-game designers achieve their curriculum-based learning goals in an gamified learning design while designing small digital games?

The results of this project can be read in the articles:

C.L. Weitze (2017): Reflective, Creative and Computational Thinking Strategies Used When Students Learn Through Making Games

C.L. Weitze (2018): Learning and Design Processes in a Gamified Learning Design: Students Creating Curriculum-Based Digital Learning Games